A circuit that you cannot miss in Lanín National Park. Huechulafquen, Paimún and Epulafquen Lakes are complemented by the imposing volcano, Mapuche communities, natural interpretation trails, lake excursions, and a surprising Nature.

Duration: One day
Distance: 100 kms
Recommendations: In the place there are several areas of free and organized campsites, supply shops, restaurant and lake excursions.
Enabled: Summer, Autumn, Spring

walking with the potential for accessibility: At the entrance to the tourist circuit, there is The Interpretation Center and Visitor Attention office, that has got toilet services adapted for the disabled. In Puerto Canoa there is another Visitor Center with its toilet services.
Description tour: Huechulafquen Lake - Lanín Volcano
This is a full day excursion, and begins taking the National Road Nº 234 to the neighboring town of Junín de los Andes.
After five kilometres from the urban center of this town, before crossing the bridge located over Chimehuín River, on the left you will find the Provincial Road Nº 61 that leads to Huechulafquen Lake.
The road runs along the river, in a vegetation area with an open forest gallery on the water. About nine kilometres from the crossroads there is the CEAN (Center of Applied Ecology from Neuquén), where studies and rehabilitation of native and exotic fauna are done. Worthwhile visiting it, especially when traveling with children. You can visit it from Mondays to Fridays until 1 pm.
Approximately 17 kilometres from the first Araucaria trees, with the Lanín Volcano behind, they seem to emulate the Neuquén Provincial shield. The mouth of Chimehuín River appears, which carries the lake water toward the Atlantic Ocean, considered a paradise for lovers of fly fishing and world-renowned.
Huechulafquen Lake
Giong past the bridge, in a splendorous way appears Huechulafquen Lake. Resembling a real sweet water sea, with the 3,776 metre high Lanín Volcano unfolding on the horizon, it is an indelible postcard of Patagonia.
Lanín National Park begins formally, and a modern Visitor Center recently opened with toilets for the disabled, guides the tourists, displays information of the natural area and sells the access tickets to the park, following this list of prices: People Over 16 $ 7 - Provincial Residents $ 4 - University Students $ 4 - Foreigners $ 20 - Local Residents (San Martín, Junín, Aluminé, Children under 16, Retired pensioners and People retired over 65) free.
The lake accompanies the journey on the left, the way will slowly enter in a forest where species of almost forty meters high can be seen, until you reach the the Park Ranger's House.
From there on, the road gets narrower. There are organized camping areas in Cañicul and Raquithue Bays, groceries and crafts products sold in the many rural inhabitants' homes located by the roadside, all belonging to the native Mapuche community.
Twelve kilometres further, you will arrive to the other Park Ranger's House and the services area of Puerto Canoa.
Puerto canoa
Here you will find the pier where you can enjoy the lake excursions aboard the José Julién Ship, a wide beach ideal to rest, two hostels for fishermen, an interpretation natural path ("The Forest") and the massive snow on the peak of the Lanín volcano.
Further on, you will reach La Unión, the detachment base of National Gendarmerie, with a very ornamental chapel, surrounded by Araucaria trees. In this area the Huechulafquen Lake water join together with the ones of Paimún Lake. A raft communicates the two shores of the strait, being widely used by residents and visitors that go hicking in this area.
Piedra Mala
Two kilometres further, crossing the so-called "Pampa of Rucu Leufú" and always with the Lanín volcano showing at the right, you will be able to enjoy the first panoramic view of Paimún Lake.
Opposite, you will see the Piedra Mala area. A spectacular volcanic sand bay dominates the scene. This area, protected from the wind, full of Araucaria trees and owner of an absolute beauty, has got a wild camping area and is the starting point to visit the waterfall "El Saltillo" or start an interesting eight kilometre walk to the Park Ranger's House.
Travel agencies offering the ride
San Martín 437 - Loc. 3 (Centric) (02972) 425808 | (02944) 15618875
Av. Gral. San Martin 386 (Centric) (02972) 427877 | 427698 int.124
San Martín 555 Local 2 (Centric) (02972) 411300
Villegas 698 Loc. 5 y 10 (Centric) (02972) 425140 | 429570
Cnel. Díaz 751 (Centric) (02972) 428876
San Martín 836 2A (Centric) (02972) 427550

Office: Secretaría de Turismo - Av. San Martín y Juan Manuel de Rosas
Opening hours: 7:00hs a 14:00hs
Phone: 02972-425500